TAKERS * * *
In resent years there have been so many crafty heist films,
its hard to imagine a new one that can out whit you. Well this film
looked like a baby version of some of the best bank robbery movies,
Michael Mann's Heat, Spike Lee's Inside man. The movie stars Idris
Elba who of course is the eye candy in the movie. Let's not forget
about the eye candy for the guys, Zoe Saldana, who was nothing more
than a fancy vase in a room. She barely had 3 lines. I was personally done
with the film after the 20 minute chase scene with Chris Brown and the
lucky cop that had every Scooby Doo clue fall into his lap. Depending on
what scale you rate this movie on (baby scale) the movie can fall under see
it or dvd it. Overall I think that the movie had nice visuals and action scenes
but, the acting was predictable, just as I expected. But I still say: Check it out.
THE TOWN * * * * *
Intense, suspenseful, believable, love, loyalty, betrayal, greed, shall I go on?
Ben Affleck plays Doug Mackey a bank robber that resides in Charleston,
Boston which happens to have the highest rate of bank robberies in the
country. Ben Affleck is unbelievably handsome in this movie. He falls
for a woman his gang had previously taken hostage after meeting with
her later to ensure that she can't identify them. This movie was well acted
and directed. It starred Ben Affleck and he also directed the film. Did
I mention how good Ben Affleck looked in this film? Love this movie.
Check it out.
EAT, LOVE, PRAY * * * *
If you're a woman that's still getting to know yourself and loves Oprah, then
this is the movie for you. This movie stars Julia Roberts who I love. This
movie is very refreshing and positive. It gives you a feeling of connecting
with the things that you have in your life and the things that we need in our
life. If you feeling down I would definitely recommend seeing this film. Guys
don't worry this is not just a chick film you will also find this movie very
entertaining. Check it out.
We waited 23 years for this?! Just kidding! While I did expect more, I left the movies satisfied and a tad bit greedier. HAHAHA! What can I say Michael Douglass is one of my top ten favorite actors, he always delivers. His performances rationalize the $20 million actor salary. Oliver Stone had so many classic lines in this movie, that made the movie in my eyes. My favorite line was "You stop telling lies about me and, I'll stop telling the truth about you". LOVE IT! I guess you're wondering why I haven't mentioned one thing about the plot. Ummmmm because there wasn't a plot. Shia Lebeoulf played Michael Douglass daughter's fiance who later in the movie finds that he's in love with money just much as his predecessors. So you can tell well there movie is going, it haas great acting and you have to Check it out.
Surprisingly "Social Network" only made $23 million it's first weekend. The movie was actually a great film. It had all the ingredients to make a intriguing film. It was filled with great themes; greed, love, friendship, betrayal, belonging....... The movie was clever and well structured. It tells the story of founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, played by actor Jesse Eisenberg. Who by the way did a phenomenal job playing an arrogant smart alack from Harvard. The film takes you on a journey that starts on Harvard college campus and ends up in almost every home. This film is an intense emotional roller coaster and you feel every emotion that each character encountered. NO really, you will feel like a person that's about to get screwed, then you feel like the person that's trying to be slick, very well done Definitely check it out.
Look out for my take on October 2010 flicks!!!!!!
Movies to see in October