The recent firing of Isaiah Washington off the cast of Grey's Anatomy is totally over the top and absolutely ludicrous. Unfortunately for Mr. Washington an apology and counseling wasn't enough for the gay community and ABC. It's a shame that a talented actor gets booted off a television series, because of an argument that lead to a homosexual remark. All of a sudden this country is sensitive, too sensitive. I can think of many serious issues that we should be sensitive about in this country, the word "fag" is definitely not one of them. This country still suffers from racism that began over 300 years ago and now we have one more racist issue to add on the list. Oh I'm sorry I forgot that homosexuals have endured racism since they were brought over to this country, they were enslaved, lynched and experienced the Holocaust. OK, so we no none of that is true. So have homosexuals suffered so much in this country where they should react in such a sensitive and demanding manner when homophobic name calling takes place? What ever happened to "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me"? The truth is we can't control the way a person feels about us, everyone gets talked about. I can remember as a child being talked about by kids and my grandmother would always say "baby they talked about Jesus".
Lets look at the word "fag", I'm not a homosexual so I can't completely say how I feel about the word "fag". On the other hand I am an African-American so I can say how I feel about the word "nigger". The word "nigger" is a symbol of racism, hate, disrespect etc. and brings back many old and painful memories to those like myself and especially my grandparents. It's a reminder that not so long ago a race of people were someones property nothing more than animals. African-Americans lived with this word for hundreds of years. At the end of the day no one likes to be called out of their name, but as long as violence hasn't taken place we need to stop being so sensitive in this country and focus on the bigger issues like poverty, homelessness, unfair judicial practices etc. So if a group wants to join the minority population they need to get a thick skull, because people are going to continue to insult you with words.
Labels: entertainment, social